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Supply chain management

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Supply Chain Management

We are expert in supply chain functions such as transportation, warehousing, inventory management and production planning. We balance the relations internal and external relations with suppliers and customers concerning the end to end chain process. We cope up special challenge caused due to the cross-company, cross- functional challenges that need to be embraced.
We are comfortable at discussing cash flow with the treasurer’s office as they are with talking about delivery schedules with suppliers. We have technical proficiency in areas: shipping route knowledge, familiarity with warehousing equipment and distribution center locations and footprints, and a solid grasp of freight rates and fuel costs. We also rely on the new core competencies and advanced industry knowledge to rise to the top.

Responsibilities & Roles

  • Managing continuous supply of right products at right time of different entities.
  • Usage of IT tools to help retailers for greatly reducing cycle times and attaining efficiency
  • To manage warehousing, distribution, transportation both for inbound and out bound of merchandise which were handled separately in the past are now carried out in logical sequence following specific time table i.e. logistics.
  • Planning and movement of retail’s end to end process in merchandise.
  • We plan inventory (preparing purchase order) to the point of reaching the merchandise to the customer.

Salient Features of our Services

  • Seamless flow from initial source to end customer with few interruptions.
  • Demand driven supply with continuous stock monitoring.
  • Shared information throughout the chain.
  • IT enabled and IT supported supply chain.
  • Batches are configured t the rate of sale.
  • Flexible and acts to customer responsiveness.
  • Agile and lean.
  • Large scale customization at mass product price.
  • Market segmentation- identifying main customers and their groups.